Electronic components are the basic units of electronic equipment. Whether it is a simple circuit or a complex electronic system, the types and characteristics of components directly affect the performance and function of equipment. For beginners, understanding the classification of common electronic components is the first step to learn electronic technology. This paper will introduce several main electronic components and their functions.As we all know,281934-3The emergence of the market is worthy of many people’s attention, which has aroused the waves of the whole market. https://www.asourcingelectronics.com/


  1. Semiconductor element


  Semiconductor component is the most important part of modern electronic equipment, which is mainly used to control the flow of current. Common semiconductor components include:


  Diode: Diode allows current to flow in only one direction, and is often used in rectifier circuits. According to different functions, diodes can be divided into ordinary diodes, rectifier diodes, zener diodes and so on.


  Transistors: Transistors are basic amplification and switching elements, which are widely used in signal amplification and switching circuits. Common transistor types are NPN and PNP transistors.


  Integrated circuit (IC): An integrated circuit is a system that integrates multiple components on one chip, and can realize complex functions, such as operation and storage. Ics can be divided into digital ics and analog ics according to their functions.


  2. Passive components


  Passive components refer to components that cannot actively control current or voltage, and are mainly used for regulating and storing electric energy. Common passive components include:


  Resistance: Resistance is used to limit the flow of current, and its resistance unit is ohm (Ω). Resistors are widely used in circuits to protect components, divide voltage or adjust current.


  Capacitance: Capacitance is used to store electric energy and can smooth the current change in the circuit. Its capacitance unit is Farah (F), which is often used in filtering and coupling circuits.


  Inductor: Inductor can store magnetic energy and is usually used in filters and oscillators. The unit of inductance is Henry (h).


  3. Connecting element


  Connecting elements are used to connect different parts of the circuit to ensure the transmission of current and signals. Common connecting elements include:


  Plug and socket: used to connect and disconnect circuits conveniently, which is common in various electronic devices and power connections.


  Switch: The switch is used to control the on-off of the circuit. In the circuit, the switch can be controlled manually or electronically.


  Conductor: Conductor is the basis of connecting components and circuits, transmitting current and information.


  4. Sensors and actuators


  Sensors and actuators are used to convert external information into electronic signals and electronic signals into physical actions. Common sensors and actuators include:


  Sensors: used to monitor environmental changes, such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, optical sensors, etc., which can convert physical quantities into electrical signals.


  Actuator: The actuator receives electronic signals and performs specific tasks, such as motors and relays, and converts electrical signals into mechanical actions.